Six days later, I received the following....

Subject: A sidenote. . .
Date: Sat, 20 Dec 2003 13:14:11 EST

I am going to need more time, OK? I have been really busy with so much other stuff, that I really haven't had the time to answer. I have not given up by any means though. I am still going to answer, and I am going to think out my answers much better.

AND, I really must tell you, I was not really trying to separate humans by their taxonomical traits. I was trying to show that your reasoning was faulty.  Well, obviously I did not do a very good job! In fact, that was the first time I had even seen a lot of those words you used. So I had just looked them all up in the dictionary, and tried to make a counter argument. Since then, I have learned much more about what I am trying to refute, and I feel that I am more qualified now. (I still seem to have an affinity for skipping the actual question though, as you have pointed out). I will of course give you a real reason to consider my belief and my faith in my next email, along with input on every one of your questions and points you gave me.


Subject: A sidenote. . .
Date: Sat, 20 Dec 2003

That's fine.  Just let me know how long you need. 

Let me take this opportunity to correct something though. I copied the wrong series of questions regarding the taxonomy of varanids.  Please answer the corrected series instead.  The other was terribly redundant. 

Is the short-tailed goanna related to the Perentie and all other Australian goannas?
Are all Australian goannas related to each other and to the other monitor lizards of Indonesia and Africa?
Are today's varanids related to the giant goannas of Australia's past?
Are terrestrial monitors related to the mosasaurs of the Cretaceous?
Are Varanoids related to any other Anguimorphs including snakes?
Are any Anguimorphs also related to scincomorphs and geckos?
Are all Scleroglossa also related to iguanids and other squamates?
Are all of squamata related to each other and all other lepidosaurs?
Are all lepidosaurs related to placodonts and plesiosaurs? 
Are Lepidosauromorphs related to archosaurs and other diapsids? 
Are all diapsids related to anapsids, or synapsid "reptiles" like dimetrodon?
Are all reptiles related to each other and all other amniotes?
Are all amniotes related to each other and to all other tetrapods?
Are all tetrapods related to each other and to all other vertebrates?
........and so on.

Which of these are related?  Which of these are created? 

For any words you don't know, just copy them into to find out what they mean or how they apply. 

I didn't hear anything more from my opponant for several more days, so I sent a follow-up message.
Date: Sun, 28 Dec 2003  11:09pm CT

I understand that this is the holiday season, so its not surprising that you need more time, especially considering how much there was for you to think about.  But I should remind you that when you asked for an extension, I asked you to let me know how much longer you needed.  That was a week ago, and two weeks since I posed the questions you were to answer.  When should I expect a reply? 
Tuesday, December 30, 2003 7:20 AM

I am very sorry about that! My family is having some very serious problems, and I just have not had the time to even think. It really is a serious thing. I may have to postpone this debate until later.

Again, I am very sorry to have kept you hanging like that!
I had been working on my reply email for a few days before and after the holidays, and now this family crisis. It may completely alter everything in mine and my family's lives.

Well, I will still try to work on this debate, but it may be an indefinite time till the next email. Also, what is the significance of the Cambrian fossil era? I have read up on it, but anything I find is only the Evolutionists side of it. I can't find anything about what the Creationists think about it. Maybe it is an indesputible evidence for evolution, I don't know. Could you just give me a general background on it?

(I know this is weird, asking you for information in a debate, but now I [me and my family] am so messed up I can't do much of anything now)



He sent me a request for a further extension, citing reasons which should remain private. 
Because of that, I have snipped the entire message from this log.

Wed, 31 Dec 2003  12:20 AM CT


Well, I will still try to work on this debate, but it may be an indefinite time till the next email.

If you need to, you are welcome to have others help you. 

Also, what is the significance of the Cambrian fossil era? I have read up on it, but anything I find is only the Evolutionists side of it. I can't find anything about what the Creationists think about it. Maybe it is an indesputible evidence for evolution, I don't know. Could you just give me a general background on it?

I think it would be inappropriate for me to answer this question as a side-note.  Include it in your formal reply and I'll be happy to answer it for you there. 

(I know this is weird, asking you for information in a debate, but now I [me and my family] am so messed up I can't do much of anything now)

I can understand that.  Good luck.

There had been no further contact for a while. 
I suspected he was avoiding as so many of his ilk have done. 
I wrote him back a couple of weeks later.
Tue,  13 Jan 2004  12:15 AM CT

I know you said it would be an indefinite period of time until the next email.  But in the uncertain interim, I thought I should remind you of a few things.  First, that it has now been a fortnight since the last I heard from you, and about a month since I posted the questions you were to reply to.  There needs to be a deadline, a point we can agree on now where I will win if you don't respond by then.  I suggest Groundhog day, February 2nd, 2004 at 6:00am Central time.  That's two more weeks from now, giving you a total of six weeks to compose your answer when six days should have been more than enough, I think. 

I should also remind you of something I said earlier about my oft-repeated challenge and how it is always treated:  "This will actually be the 4th time it was accepted, but each of the previous occasions ended with them calling it off in the first reply without addressing even one point, or answering a single question. I have documentation for each of these occasions already in public archives. Hopefully you won't do the same."

....but you have. 

You may have squeezed in one brief reply, (which was one more than any of your comrades have ever done!) and you were much more polite than any of them.  But you still haven't answered a single question or addressed even one point before you called it off.  I believe I predicted as much when I said, "I still don't think you'll make it to the meat of the conversation, but congratulations are in order since you have now gone further than any of your predecessors" and "Hopefully you'll go the distance, and won't feel compelled to... run away as so many of your comrades have already done when they realized which position was best-supported, and why."  

I said I could prove evolution, and prove it so conclusively that there wouldn't be any uncertainty, and no need of faith to realize it.  You'd know it, and you could show it, even to people who didn't want to believe you.  Aren't you even curious about how I intend to do that?  Yet while I see that the personal issues that delayed our debate haven't stopped you from posting lame denials of  measurable facts of biology on the nucleusweb, you're still hesitant to take up the challenge with me.  Why? 

I would think that your very hesitation would be very telling indeed.  I don't know how you feel about any of this, but I know I wouldn't be able to turn down such a challenge even if I thought I might be wrong.  If you said you could prove your side to me, and I mean conclusively prove it even to my skeptical satisfaction, I would have to hear you out.  How could I resist?  If I refused, it could only mean that I was afraid of the truth, and it would mean that I had already admitted to myself that whatever the reality was, I wouldn't accept it if it wasn't what I wanted to believe.  But that's just how I see it.  Your mileage may vary. 

By the way, I read where you were bragging about having been homeschooled in "Creation Theory" as if there were such a thing, or as if it would be a good thing to teach a child.  But I really should point out that no one yet has ever presented any theory of creation.  There is not now nor ever was any Creation Theory to teach, and so you couldn't have learned it.  If you still contend that you did, do please detail that theory here and now.  The world has been waiting more than 100 years to hear it.

Friday, January 16, 2004 9:50 AM

I'm sorry I have been taking so long.  I HAVE been working on a reply......

[Personal reasons deleted for privacy]

I have been replying to stuff on NucleusWeb because that is not much work, and it does not take long.
I have about 8 pages typed out in reply (to you) so far, and I still have about 12 more pages of yours to work on. I am working on it with a vengeance now (since this email), so I should be able to have it done by two weeks from now......

Well, I'll get back to ya later!

Friday, January 16, 2004  11:58 PM

I am looking forward to your reply with some excitement.  Having never seen any creationist answer even one of these questions before, I can hardly predict what you might say.  Nor could I imagine how it could take 20 pages to answer what few questions I gave you, especially since most of them required only yes or no answers.  This is sure to be good!    

Saturday, January 17, 2004 5:43 PM

uh, I think you misunderstood me....
I have 10 pages done now, but that is only for the first email you sent me; the one with your responses to my "parody." NOW I am typing my responses to your second email with the cladogram stuff on it.. Sorry about that.

Saturday, January 17, 2004 11:58 PM

OK, that makes more sense. 

Just remember that if we're arguing on a point-by-point basis, then my follow-up reply will probably have to be huge.  20 pages worth of errors like the ones I read from you on the Nucleusweb will require at least 30 or 40 pages of correction.  Still, I'm very much looking forward to your reply.  I mean that sincerely.  I'll be very impressed to finally see a response to these queries, and I am really curious as to where you're coming from, and how anyone could believe as you do.  Believe me, I appreciate the effort. 

Let the drums roll........

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